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The mission of and the First Church of Halladology is to  promote spiritual development within the individual, free from blind faith and dogma. We recognise and embrace the Wisdom of the Ages and believe much can be gained from the many schools of thought that has gone before. When we study the Mystery Schools, the Holy Books and the great philosophers and place none above another in pursuit of knowledge, we find a common thread in all. Problems arise only when individuals become inflated by ego and assume to be the only authority and/or conduit to God. This leads to the cult of personality.


We have seen for example many revisions of The Holy Bible, with texts added and removed at different points in history to suit some agenda. We have also witnessed the Church splintering towards other denominations, some with more oppresive rules and interpretations of the Word. There has been cults founded by charismatic individuals that have led followers to their deaths in the name of martyrdom. We have religions all claiming to be the only true faith, vying for supremacy and demonising others beliefs.


Extremist groups call their faithful to kill in the name of God. In what way is this the Divine Plan?


Here at Halladology we seek to find the core truths that can be found in all of the world religions and indeed within the Mystery Schools that pre-dates them.


Would you be surprised to find that both Moses and Jesus were initiates of the Egyptian Mystery Schools? What if I told you that the god of knowledge, Thoth underpins much of the knowledge that we take for granted. The Egyptian Mystery Schools influenced the great thinkers of Ancient Greece who in turn gave us the foundations of Western thought.


We must be aware that there is a timeline and a lineage throughout civilisations that have come and gone. They have assimilated ideas and philosophies along the way and evolved. Religious teachings have more in common with one another than not. Myths and allegory's, Inner and Outer Temples, hidden (occult) knowledge and mundane knowledge. All religions contain mundane truths and esoteric truths, the esoteric revealed to those who have wisdom to unlock the secrets within. One needs only to be an honest seeker.


With the world in crisis, we believe that a spiritual revolution is the catharsis required by the human race. Reconnecting with the Divine Spirit would end poverty and war. It is needed and indeed possible. We have reached a technological pinnacle that could solve inummerable problems if only we had a more philanthropic approach as a global society.


Taoism sits comfortably with new dicoveries in quantum physics. Magick, Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) and Psychology from a modern thinker's perspective, are pieces of the same puzzle. Carl Jung wrote prolifically on the subject, making the connections between mysticism and psychology.


The Wisdom of the Ages understood from a 21st Century perspective married with the latest discoveries in science is the foundation of Halladology. It is a holistic approach to reconnecting with the Divine source of Creation. God is the Divine energy present in every molecule in existence. The atoms that we are made of are the same materials that the universe is made of. We are connected at a molecular level. The life energy is the energy of the cosmos. When this is understood fully, we can free ourselves from ego and we can live freely, unafraid of death and decay. We are but pieces of the Divine plan, passing on the codes of existence within our DNA.


Imagine a world free of the limits we have imposed on ourselves. When Jesus spoke thus: "It is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the Kingdom of Heaven", this can be applied to the fruitless destruction of our planet by perpetual warfare that is conducted in pursuit of and the hoarding of resources. To what end? We can't take it with us when our earthly journey ends. It's crazy is it not?


We throw more food away in a day than people ever see in the underdeveloped countries. The same countries that are stripped of resources by faceless corporations. There's something inherently wrong with this paradigm when we have reached this point as a civilisation. We have a global economy, communications that cross the planet almost instantaneously. We have technology that can turn the planet into a utopia where everyone benefits. It is unethical to not share the resources.


The mission of Halladology is simply to be part of the solution by sharing fundamental truths of existence and to be one of many conduits towards spiritual awakening.


May the Divine Spark in you Awaken and may the Divine Spirit bless you.


Rev. David Halladay







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